About Little Plover
Little Plover was started in 2015 by Libby, who depended on drawing birds in order to commit them to memory - before eventually turning those drawings into greetings cards with identification notes so that other people could use them too.

Since then, Libby has become a qualified and practising ecologist and uses the knowledge that she has gained to create hundreds of illustrations of birds, insects and plants to spread the joy of nature! These cards are unique - using a blend of illustrations, wordplay and annotations, you don't only get a nugget of nature-based information from each design, you get a beautifully crafted and sustainably produced piece of art that you can either send to spread the love, or keep for yourself.

Now, with over 5,000 greetings cards sold, you can buy Little Plover products in shops, garden centres and galleries across the UK including the RSPB, Turner Gallery and the Wildlife Trusts. Since 2015, Libby has licensed illustrations to organisations such as the Museum of Rural Life and the White Mill Heritage Centre, illustrated a natural history book for HarperCollins and run illustration workshops for over 250 people.